300 Examples
Are you looking for Excel examples? Are you looking for clear explanations that help you master many more Excel features quickly and easily? You can find related examples and features (300 Examples) on the right side of each chapter. Below you can find an overview of all examples. - Shravan Ghanchi
1 Range: Fibonacci Sequence, Custom Lists, Comments, Hide Columns or Rows, Skip Blanks, Transpose, Union and Intersect.
2 Formulas and Functions: Percent Change, Names in Formulas, Dynamic Named Range, Paste Options, Status Bar, Quick Operations.
1 Ribbon: Quick Access Toolbar, Developer Tab.
3 Worksheets: Zoom, Split, Freeze Panes, Group Worksheets, Consolidate, View Multiple Worksheets, Spelling.
4 Format Cells: Decimal Places, Currency vs Accounting, Date and Time Formats, Fractions, Text to Numbers, Numbers to Text, Custom Number Format, Format Painter, Cell Styles, Themes.
5 Find & Select: Find Features, Delete Blank Rows, Row Differences, Copy Visible Cells Only, Search Box.
7 Data Validation: Reject Invalid Dates, Budget Limit, Prevent Duplicate Entries, Product Codes, Drop-down List, Dependent Drop-down Lists.
8 Keyboard Shortcuts: Function Keys, Key Tips.
9 Print: Workbook Views, Page Breaks, Headers and Footers, Page Numbers, Print Titles, Center on Page, Print Gridlines & Headings, Print Area.
10 Share: Embed, PDF, Share Workbooks, SkyDrive, Web App, Import Access Data, Microsoft Query, Import/Export Text Files, XML.
1 Count and Sum: Count Text Occurrences, Count Logical Values, Count Blank/Nonblank Cells, Sumproduct.
2 Logical: Nested If, Roll the Dice.
4 Date & Time: DateDif, Weekdays, Days until Birthday, Time Sheet, Last Day of the Month, Holidays, Quarter, Day of the Year.
5 Text: Separate Strings, Number of Instances, Number of Words, Text to Columns, Lower/Upper Case, Remove Unwanted Characters, Compare Text, Find vs Search, Substitute vs Replace.
6 Lookup & Reference: Tax Rates, Offset, Left Lookup, Two-way Lookup, Locate Maximum Value, Indirect.
7 Financial: Loans with Different Durations, Investment or Annuity, Compound Interest, Loan Amortization Schedule, Depreciation.
8 Statistical: Negative Numbers to Zero, Random Numbers, Rank, Percentiles and Quartiles, Forecast and Trend.
Data Analysis
2 Filter: Number and Text Filters, Date Filters, Advanced Filter, Data Form, Remove Duplicates, Outlining Data.
3 Conditonal Formatting: Manage Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales, Icon Sets, New Rule, Find Duplicates, Shade Alternate Rows, Compare Two Lists, Conflicting Rules, Checklist.
4 Charts: Column Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Area Chart, Scatter Chart, Data Series, Axes, Chart Sheet, Trendline, Error Bars, Sparklines, Combination Chart, Gauge Chart, Thermometer Chart, Gantt Chart, Pareto Chart.
5 Pivot Tables: Group Pivot Table Items, Multi-level Pivot Table, Frequency Distribution, Pivot Chart, Slicers, Update Pivot Table, Calculated Field/Item.
6 Tables: Structured References, Table Styles.
7 What-If Analysis: Data Tables, Quadratic Equation.
8 Solver: Transportation Problem, Assignment Problem, Capital Investment, Shortest Path Problem, Maximum Flow Problem, Sensitivity Analysis.
9 Analysis ToolPak: Histogram, Descriptive Statistics, Anova, F-Test, t-Test, Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, Correlation, Regression.
1 Create a Macro: Swap Values, Run Code from a Module, Macro Recorder, Use Relative References, FormulaR1C1, Add a Macro to the Toolbar, Macro Security, Protect Macro.
2 MsgBox: MsgBox Function, InputBox Function.
3 Workbook and Worksheet Object: Path and FullName, Close and Open, Loop through Books and Sheets, Sales Calculator, Files in a Directory, Import Sheets, Programming Charts.
4 Range Object: CurrentRegion, Dynamic Range, Resize, Entire Rows and Columns, Offset, From Active Cell to Last Entry, Union and Intersect, Test a Selection, Possible Football Matches, Font, Background Colors, Areas Collection, Compare Ranges.
6 If Then Statement: Logical Operators, Select Case, Tax Rates, Mod Operator, Prime Number Checker, Find Second Highest Value, Sum by Color, Delete Blank Cells.
7 Loop: Loop through Defined Range, Loop through Entire Column, Do Until Loop, Step Keyword, Create a Pattern, Sort Numbers, Randomly Sort Data, Remove Duplicates, Complex Calculations, Knapsack Problem.
10 Date and Time: Compare Dates and Times, DateDiff Function, Weekdays, Delay a Macro, Year Occurrences, Tasks on Schedule, Sort Birthdays.
11 Events: BeforeDoubleClick Event, Highlight Active Cell, Create a Footer Before Printing, Bills and Coins, Rolling Average Table.
13 Function and Sub: User Defined Function, Custom Average Function, Volatile Functions, ByRef and ByVal.
15 ActiveX Controls: Text Box, List Box, Combo Box, Check Box, Option Buttons, Spin Button, Loan Calculator.